Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

By M. Girardin (NY) -  reviews

Underrated was the first thing that came to mind after playing this game. I was very worried when buying this game since many review sites were giving it a mediocre score, but I've discovered this is because the reviewers are comparing this game to Biowares top selling games such as Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect. They're stating that the game has a basic story and the dialogue in the game is cheesy. It's Sonic, you shouldn't expect a deep story with lots logic, it's supposed to be simple and fun. If you've played his early games some of the lines will make you laugh and smile, the game is simply fun and keeps the story fun but simple.

This game feels more like the original Sonic games, what I mean by that is some of the choices you have to with Sonics dialogue is more rude rather than directly helpful, you run around towns and forests gathering rings, if you run into a badnick you enter combat. Rings are your currency and you spend them RPG style on items and equipment. The visuals are very nice (especially the backgrounds) and the gameplay is simple and fun and might need some getting used to since some moves require you to follow moves on the touch screen. My only problem with the game are some of the sounds are illfitting such as when someone gets KO'd and one or two of the songs. (I havent beaten the game yet)

Honestly the only game you could compare this to is Super Mario RPG, not any of biowares other titles because simply they made the game to be like Sonics world, not it's a good RPG for Sonic and it's looking to be a game that could have a sequel. If you like Sonic and you like RPG's it's worth getting. The review sites aren't being fair in their comparisons of this to Biowares other titles when Sonic is different in every regard, while Sonic isn't the best RPG, it's far from bad, it's a lot of fun and isn't worth passing up.


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